Two Trees I Loved: An Anthem

At the EcoEnco retreat in Western Australia in July, I participated in a songwriting workshop. What a treat!


Joseph Pul© ( and Steve Andrews ( and, both talented musicians, songwriters and guitarists, led us into the Karri forest.

They helped us write our songs and set them to music.


I’m waiting for Steve to arrive in September so that we can finish the job. The music. It’s in my head but I can’t write it down.


For now, here’s my anthem.


Two Trees I Loved


two trees I loved

nurtured and blessed

billy goat plum

watered, watered

humble young cheese tree

then tall as my cheek

saved and protected

now sheltering me


saved and protected

saved and protected

saved and protected

shelter, shelter


humble young cheese tree

tall as my cheek

saved and protected

now sheltering me


gratitude cheese tree

now two metres tall

shelters my garden

shelter, shelter

marking my progress

from a harsh start

saved and protected

now nurturing me


saved and protected

saved and protected

saved and protected

shelter, shelter


marking my progress

from a harsh start

saved and protected

now nurturing me


all of Earth’s trees

live in my heart

beg my protection

begging, begging

touching my caring

for our harsh starts

saved and protected

I’m nurturing them


saved and protected

saved and protected

saved and protected

nurture, nurture


touching my caring

for our harsh starts

saved and respected

I’m nurturing them




Steve Andrews  Photo: David Deeley
Steve Andrews           Photo: David Deeley









Joseph Pule  Photo: David Deeley
Joseph Pule           Photo: David Deeley





Billy goat plum Humpty Doo, 1992
Billy goat plum Humpty Doo, 1992
Billy goat plum Humpty Doo, 1992
Billy goat plum Humpty Doo, 1992






The Cheese Tree
The Cheese Tree


  1. Beautiful. I can’t wait to listen to the recording when Steve catches up with you.

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