A Page for Managers in Local Municipalities




  • Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to design and manage an elegant process to engage your local communities with planning initiatives coming from senior government?


    • Do you feel dissatisfied with the last engagement processes you and your staff have conducted–or even the current ones?


    • Do you feel that your local communities are constantly placing you and your staff on the “back foot” as they seem to have all the time and resources in the world and you are struggling to keep up with the resource and time demands of community engagement?


    • Do you feel that you’d like to have more control of the outcomes of your community engagement processes AND still be open to people’s ideas and suggestions?



    • Do you need to see good results for a number of reasons – not only for your community members – but for your staff, yourself and your organisation?



  • If these issues are concerning you at this time, I can help you.

I know that this is where “the rubber hits the road”, where hard decisions need to be made with tight budgets and timelines.  

I have been there myself as a senior manager in a large local council in South Australia and I know what you are up against.

There are ways to align your values with those of the community – and vice versa – in ways that still mean that things will get done and progress will occur.

There are no magic bullets – but there are some ways that have been shown to work in a variety of contexts.


Together we can do it: I can design and manage processes that communities love.

I can train staff so that they are not terrified of acrimonious community meetings but rather look forward to working collaboratively with community members.


If you would like to be part of a process of this nature, please do not hesitate to contact me for a free first inspirational conversation about the potential of inspirational community engagement that actually yields results.


Email me at this address: [email protected]


Or ring me on my mobile: 0402 966 284.