Open Space and Medium-Density Living Issues Paper, 2012

Children's Play Area in Shared Open Space Drawing by Brendan Hurley Copyright Brendan Hurley and Wendy Sarkissian
Children’s Play Area in Shared Open Space
Drawing by Brendan Hurley
Copyright Brendan Hurley and Wendy Sarkissian










This excellent 2012 report, primarily written for the Council of Mayors, Southeast Queensland by Vancouver planner/anthropologist, Dr Rebecca Bateman, deserves close reading.


Rebecca Bateman PhD
Rebecca Bateman PhD


Here is the Table of Contents:

1.0 Introduction

1.1.                   Background and Purpose

1.2.                   Context


2.0 Core Issues of Medium-density Housing

3.1.                   Social and Ecological Functions of Open Space

3.1.1                             Introduction: a variety of functions and benefits
3.1.2                             Social justice and equity
3.1.3                             The psychological and restorative benefits of access to nature
3.1.4                             Ecological and sustainability functions of open space

3.2.                   Issues arising from the literature scan
3.2.1.                         Governance
3.2.2.                         Listening to “narratives of home”

3.3.                   Practice Issues
3.3.1.                           Trading urban commons (non-green) for greenspace
3.3.2.                         Greenspace and New Urbanism
3.3.3.                         The importance of neighbourhood parks
3.3.4.                         The need for post-occupancy evaluation  

4.0 The Policy and Delivery Framework in South east Queensland

4.1.                   The Statutory Framework

4.1.1.                         Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA 2009)

4.1.2.                         SEQ Regional Plan 2009 – 2031

4.2.                   Other State Planning Instruments

4.3.                   Council of Mayors (SEQ) Initiatives

4.3.1.                         Next Generation Planning Handbook (NGP Handbook, 2011)

4.3.2.                         LCCP Policy Position Paper  5.0 Challenges and Opportunities in Southeast Queensland

5.1.                   On-Site Shared and Private Open Space: Challenges

5.2.                   Public Open Space Network Development: Challenges

5.3.                   Emergent Approaches and Opportunities

  1. Matters for Further Consideration

  2. Scoping the Toolkit



APPENDIX 1: Stakeholder Consultation (December 2011)


Table 1: Lot and Building Scale Modules for Open Space Provision (NGP Handbook)



Figure 1: Proposed Scope of the Toolkit.


Source: LCCP Issues Paper_2013