Occasionally I am asked to review books. Below are links to book reviews about planning and community engagement issues.
1. 2013 review of Bridge, Gary, Butler, Tim and Lees, Loretta (2012). Mixed Communities: Gentrification by Stealth? Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 978 1 84742 493 8 hardcover, 372 pp. Review in Urban Policy and Research (2014)32 (1), 17 December: 116-118.
Sarkissian 2013 review Mixed Communities Gentrification by Stealth
2. 2010 book on community engagement by Roz Lasker and John Guidry:
Sarkissian Lasker Engaging the Community in Decision Making Book Review JPER 2010
3. Review of “Defensible Space” by Oscar Newman:
oscar newman review article jper
4. Review of Planning Wild Cities by Wendy Steele, April 2023: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08111146.2023.2198287?src=&journalCode=cupr20
Amazingly, this book completely ignores any mention of community engagement. Not a single word about any form of community engagement in the whole book. I beggars belief how anyone could plan a “Wild City” (whatever that might be) without consulting anyone.