My three co-authored community engagement books are published by Earthscan Routledge, London.
At the time of publication, Earthscan was the International Independent Publisher of the Year (2010).
All have been collaborative projects with many co-authors and with authors.
Here are the details.
1. Kitchen Table Sustainability: Practical Recipes for Community Engagement with Sustainability
Kitchen Table Sustainability (KTS) is a comprehensive book that provides practical ideas, examples, strategies and tools (we call them recipes) for engaging communities to work towards a sustainable future.
Click here for more information about KTS:
2. SpeakOut: the Step-by-Step Guide to SpeakOuts and Community Workshops
If you seek an inspiring and effective community and stakeholder engagement process for your inspirational design, plan, or development, take a look at the SpeakOut book. (The SpeakOut model (an interactive, drop-in event) is one of many creative community engagement processes I use.)
Click here to read more about SpeakOut:
3. Creative Community Planning: Transformational Engagement Methods for Working at the Edge
If creativity in community engagement is your aim, Creative Community Planning can take you to the edge of transformational methods for innovative community engagement processes, including my model, Heartstorming, an approach to community visioning that engages our active imagination in truly ‘visionary’ ways.
To be inspired, click here:
To order my Earthscan Routledge books, click on the links below:
- Kitchen Table Sustainability:
- SpeakOut:
- Creative Community Planning:
Awards for Planning Excellence
The three books received the 2010 Award for Excellence from the Planning Institute of Australia, NSW.
And a Commendation in the 2010 National Awards for Excellence in the Planning Research and Scholarship category.
The National judges had this to say:
These three books are at the cutting edge of community engagement practice.
With very catchy titles of `Kitchen Table Sustainability’, `SpeakOut’ and `Creative Community Planning’, the books fill major gaps in the literature for engagement practitioners, community organisers, and local strategic planners.
The books provide a wide range of techniques to respond to community issues and many practical examples, comprehensive and up-to-date referencing and each book is supported by its own website.
The books are beautifully presented with great illustrations and are very easy to read.
The judges felt that they provide an excellent teaching tool as well as a valuable tool for those working in practice with communities.