Community Visioning and Heartstorming




Much has been written about community visioning and it’s widely used in planning in Australia and overseas.


But most of the models used are seriously deficient and have not been shown — by evidence-based research — to achieve the intended results.


To read a recent article in Progressive Planning (2013) I wrote about community visioning — and the “industry” of community visioning as it is practiced in municipal planning in this country and New Zealand, click here:



Creative Community Planning


Here are the two chapters of Creative Community Planning (2010) that specifically address community visioning issues and practices:


The community visioning model I use is called “Heartstorming“.



Great photo for website


Where to go for help?


To find out more about the heartstorming model or see some of my keynote addresses and workshops on this topic, please contact me directly:


[email protected]

+61 402 966 284