Kitchen Table Sustainability

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Kitchen Table Sustainability:

Practical Recipes for Community Engagement with Sustainability


This exciting, award-winning book is about community engagement and sustainability: Kitchen Table Sustainability:

Practical Recipes for Community Engagement with Sustainability (with Australians Wendy Sarkissian, Steph Vajda and Yollana Shore, Canadian Nancy Hofer and Australian Cathy Wilkinson, now based in Sweden).


The book opens the door so that the theory and practice of sustainability can enter into the experience of the “everyday” and be released from the exclusive provinces of experts: planners, bureaucrats, scientists, intergovernmental panels, roundtables, cabinet tables and board tables.


Top-down approaches close the door to ordinary people, who, sitting at their kitchen tables, feel unable to have the informed conversations about sustaining our futures that every household needs to have.


The book provides practical recipes to help us transform our community engagement with sustainability.


Two years in the making, drawing on stories and case studies from around the world, Kitchen Table Sustainability is designed to help guide and support you through the challenges of engaging with sustainability so that you can make a difference for your community, your organisation and the Earth.


If communities are the heart and hands of the sustainability movement, community engagement

is the life support system that connects the heart and the hands to enable the transition toward global sustainability.


Kitchen Table Sustainability offers a unique view of sustainability through the lens of community engagement.


Drawing on a rich tapestry of personal stories, professional and academic knowledge and a heartfelt care for communities and the Earth, this book encourages communities to engage with conversations about sustainability at the `kitchen table’ where anyone can contribute and everyone has a place.


Kitchen Table Sustainability introduces a powerful new EATING approach to community engagement, encompassing Education, Action, Trust, Inclusion, Nourishment and Governance. It distils decades of wisdom from community planning, engagement, and sustainability practice into a practical guidebook full of inspiring examples and case studies.

Whether you are struggling to know where to start or wondering why your community engagement processes are stuck and not achieving the sustainability results you wanted, this book can help.





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