A Shocking Vision of the Sustainability Crisis (2009)




Kitchen Table Sustainability is about helping communities and planners come to grips with the sustainability crises we face on this Earth.


Four years ago, in early 2009, Rhys Perrin of Shake Creations, an event-production company in Melbourne,   created a 90-second video for Wendy to use in introducing the global sustainability crisis in lectures and workshops: A Shocking Vision of the Sustainability Crisis.


It’s had a rave response every time it’s been shown.


Based on a pile of newspaper clippings Wendy collected during 2008 and 2009, Rhys’s video demonstrates, with dramatic effect, the impacts of human activities on the Earth.


You may download the video from vimeo.com via the link below: https://vimeo.com/65991018


Please wait while it loads. It’s worth the wait!


If you wish to use it in speaking or workshops, it’d be good to ask for permission first.


Please contact Wendy Sarkissian at [email protected]


Shake Creations may be contacted at: https://www.shakecreations.com.au/


Rhys Perrin’s email is: [email protected]


His telephone: + 61 433 372 572