SpeakOut: A Step-by-step Guide to SpeakOuts and Community Workshops
by Wendy Sarkissian and Wiwik Bunjamin-Mau with Andrea Cook, Kelvin Walsh and Steph Vajda.
This award-winning book is an illustrated, detailed ‘how-to’ workshop and facilitation guide with checklists and advice on planning and conducting SpeakOuts using community cultural development approaches (June 2009).
Often community planners, as well as community development activists and community leaders, face challenges when they try to find inclusive ways of engaging a community in a planning or revitalization process or project.
This can be a daunting undertaking. Much of the existing literature on community engagement and community planning discusses the concept of best practice, but provides only minimal guidance on how to actually do this inclusive work.
There are references to workshops, SpeakOuts, meetings, and so forth but not advice on how to design and manage them.
This new SpeakOut manual is the product of two decades of successful practise by internationally acclaimed community planning specialists.
This book aims to enable both a person with little or no experience and planning veterans, to conduct community engagement events with absolute confidence on any topic.
SpeakOut provides hands-on, step-by-step guidance, detailed checklists and practical advice on how to manage SpeakOuts and community engagement processes, right down to remembering to bring extension cords, as well and requirements and advice on facilitation and recording and facilitator training.
SpeakOut features include:
- Clear step-by-step lists of things to remember when planning a community workshop or SpeakOut, including how to plan it, allocate resources, advertise and encourage participation
- Relevant case studies from Australia, Canada and Hawai’i where SpeakOuts and workshops have been organized by practitioners, community leaders, activists and academics.
- A unique section on SpeakOuts for children and young people
- How to `green’ your workshop or SpeakOut
- Recommendations about matters to consider and coverage of the “dos” and “don’ts” when planning a community workshop
- A section on facilitator training and facilitation methods, including ground rules, group management, communication techniques, brainstorming, ethics, recording and analysis of participant contributions

This unique manual is a `must-have’ tool for community, city and regional planners, activists and community organisations, students in planning and workshop facilitators and trainers everywhere.
You can download an order form for Australian orders of SpeakOut by clicking here:
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Heath Farnsworth
Promotions Executive
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www.routledge.com/sustainability Katy de Groot Kasle
Marketing Manager, Built Environment and Earthscan
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
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