The Struggle for Little Mountain: Why You Should Help!

The struggle for Little Mountain…and my memories of Little Norway I spent some of my early years in emergency housing in Little Norway in Toronto (right next to the Maple Leaf Stadium). Toronto was experiencing a massive post-war housing shortage and an Emergency Housing Program was implemented, making housing available to returning veterans. It made… Continue reading The Struggle for Little Mountain: Why You Should Help!

Please Spare Manitoba!

  Manitoba in the early days   What now?   I never thought I’d see the day! One of the best examples of medium-density housing in Australia is up for redevelopment! How can this be?   Where is our memory?   Is new always better?   Don’t we know what’s good when we see it?… Continue reading Please Spare Manitoba!

Root Shock: Grieving for a Lost Home

  Several years ago, I was managing the community engagement processes for the first stages of a large community renewal project in an Australian capital city. The State Minister wanted something to announce before Christmas and he wanted to tell this community of about 3000 public tenants   (half of whom did not speak English… Continue reading Root Shock: Grieving for a Lost Home

NIMBY Psychology: Lunch-time Colloquium, Tufts University, 6 February 2013

6 February 2013 What’s Psychology Got to Do with NIMBY?:   Exploring the Deeper Meanings of Community Resistance to Proposed Housing Density Increases                   I spent several hours teaching and meeting with facultry at Tufts University during my month in Boston.   My hosts included Julian Aygeman,… Continue reading NIMBY Psychology: Lunch-time Colloquium, Tufts University, 6 February 2013